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    League Management

    After creating your administrator account, you can quickly and easily setup leagues and divisions for youth or adult team and individual sports. Organize your leagues and tournaments by age, grade or skill level through your own customized website, generate schedules, and track results.

    Register Today! See a Demo

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    Online Registration

    Setup your league administrator account including your own personalized league web site. Quickly setup leagues and divisions by age, grade or skill level and invite players to register on your personalized web page.

    Register Today! See a Demo

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    Facility Scheduling

    Setup your league administrator account and quickly schedule facilities or venues organized by department, venue group, and venue - for example (Parks department - Central Park - Field 1). These facilities can be made "reservable" for the public or not. The facility management tools will coordinate team reservations and the general public. Invite the public to reserve facilities on your custom web page.

    Register Today! See a Demo

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    Custom Website

    Allow players, parents, and students to signup for all of your leagues, tournaments, and classes through your very own website, customized to fit your own city or organization. The site is safe, secure, and easy to use. And best of all, it's free for you and your customers!

    Register Today! See a Demo

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    Class Sign-Up

    After creating your administrator account, you can automatically generate classes and schedules organized by course and department - (i.e. Biology Department - Course: Biology 101 - Class: Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Professor: Stephanie Washburn). Once course schedules have been created, you can invite students to view classes and register online through your personalized web page.

    Register Today! See a Demo

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    Register Today! See a Demo